Welcome Camondo
2 & 3 February 2024
Welcome to the open house at Camondo Paris and Camondo Méditerranée, providing 5-year curriculum for interior architects and designers in Paris and Toulon.
Opening hours:
- 2 February 03:00-08:00 pm
- 3 February 11:00 am-06:00 pm
This year, the school will also be opening its doors to you virtually, inviting you to meet the people behind it (educational team, teachers, students) through Zoom meetings, live events, project galleries, and videos.
Don’t miss the school presentation by the principals in Paris on Saturday February 3 at 11:30 am and 3:00 pm.
Live Zoom Sessions 2024
Our virtual meetings will enable you to find out more about the school, its courses and teaching methods, as well as admission procedure via Parcoursup or by equivalence.
Foundation course + admission in 1st year and by equivalence for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years
- Presentation of the school, two locations (Paris and Toulon), the same high standards, the profession of interior designer.
- Foundation course – prepare for entrance examinations to art, architecture, and applied arts schools.
- Parcoursup for 1st year admission.
- Requirements for admission by equivalence for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years.
- Financing your education, Crous scholarships, Equal opportunities, student loans.
Presentation schedule
Enrollment by equivalence (En)
Thursday, January 18, 2024
École Camondo Paris and Méditerranée is launching an English Track at the master’s level, beginning at the start of the 2024 academic year.
Meet our teams to find out more about the curriculum, enrollment requirements, and ask questions about the course and how to enroll.
This session will be held in English.
Animé par
Margaret Iragui, Director of the Camondo Méditerranée school
Jean-Yves Thibert, Financial and administrative manager
Enrollment via Parcoursup
Thursday, February 8th, 2024
Applications for the 1st year entrance exam will take place on Parcoursup from January 17, 2024 to March 14, 2024.
Meet our teams to find out more about the curriculum, admission requirements, and ask your questions about enrollment via Parcoursup.
This session will be held in French.
Animé par
Caroline Naphegyi, Director of Studies
Maryline Berstein, IT Manager
Enrollment by equivalence (Fr)
Thursday, February 15th, 2024
Enroll directly in the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year (in Paris or Toulon) to obtain the interior architect and designer diploma from École Camondo.
Meet our teams to find out more about the curriculum, enrollment requirements, and ask questions about the course and how to enroll.
This session will be held in French.
Animé par
Michèle Dard, Director, Camondo Paris and Mediterranean School
Amandine Langlois, Schooling and student mobility officer
Enrollment via Parcoursup
Thursday, March 7th, 2024
Applications for the 1st year entrance exam will take place on Parcoursup from January 17, 2024 to March 14, 2024.
Meet our teams to find out more about the curriculum, admission requirements and ask your questions about enrollment via Parcoursup.
This session will be held in French.
Animé par
Caroline Naphegyi, Director of Studies
Maryline Berstein, IT Manager
Enrollment by equivalence (En)
Monday, March 11th, 2024
École Camondo Paris and Méditerranée is launching a new master’s program in English (English Track) from the start of the 2024 academic year.
Meet our teams to find out more about the curriculum, enrollment requirements, and ask questions about the course and how to enroll.
This session will be held in English.
Animé par
Margaret Iragui, Director of the Camondo Méditerranée school
Jean-Yves Thibert, Financial and administrative manager
Our school
École Camondo in Paris and Camondo Méditerranée in Toulon, a private institution of higher education, is part of Les Arts Décoratifs (Le MAD) cultural institution. It teaches a five-year curriculum to interior architects and designers in Paris and Toulon, culminating in a diploma accredited by the French National Register of Professional Certifications (Diplôme RNCP niv. 7), government approved bac +5, conferring a master’s degree. The school’s values of excellence and attentiveness guarantee quality teaching and support and its commitment to its social role to provide the skills needed to meet the challenges facing future generations.
The school’s two educational curriculum:
- Foundation course (1 year), for entrance examinations to applied arts, art, and architecture schools in France and abroad
- The 5-year Interior Architect & Designer diploma, a diploma accredited by the French National Register of Professional Certifications (RNCP niv 7), government approved as Bac + 5, conferring a master’s degree and credited with 300 ECTS
Camondo School: Mathilde Laban and Mustapha Tafnil © France3 PIDF
One school, two location: Toulon
Our Goals
Educational program to become an interior architect – designer, with a cross-disciplinary approach to space and objects.
Prepare designers capable of taking on all aspects of design, ranging from the private sphere to public facilities and spaces:
- living and working
- hotels, restaurants, commercial environments
- private and public service environments
- scenography, museography
Curriculum based on 3 educational units:
- the project
- experimentation and creative expansion
- tools and know-how
Our school in 12 key points
A diploma accredited by the French National Register of Professional Certifications (RNCP niv 7), government approved as Bac + 5, conferring a master’s degree and credited with 300 ECTS
A school affiliated with the cultural institution Les Arts Décoratifs (comprising the school, the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, the Musée Nissim de Camondo and the Ateliers du Carrousel)
Concurrent and continuous learning of interior architecture AND design
Partnerships with companies and institutions to work on practice-based projects
Professional internships
Successful professional integration
International residency programs and workshops (Erasmus + Charter)
10 onsite residencies with french crafsmenship experts through “Ateliers Campus”
School-produced events in France and abroad
Camondo scholarships with the “Equal Opportunities” program
A strong emphasis on diplomas through diploma.ecolecamondo.fr
A research department and 30 annual conferences at the school recherche.ecolecamondo.fr
Admission procedure
Admissions for the Foundation course (in Paris)
Admission to the Foundation course requires a baccalaureate (all streams). Students who have been educated abroad, have a degree equivalent to the French baccalaureate and have a good command of the French language. The Foundation course is taught entirely in French. Candidates must have at least a B2 level in French for foreign candidates (non-French speakers). Foundation Course students benefit from full student status in France: social security entitlement and eligibility for government grants.
Apply by sending an A4 file to the Camondo School, including:
- Download the application form here (Fr)
- a diploma or certificate of completion of the final year of secondary school, or a copy of the baccalaureate
- a copy of the last two years’ school report cards
- a curriculum vitæ
- a concise, handwritten cover letter (maximum double-sided)
- a portfolio of up to a dozen diverse visual productions (copies only or photos) demonstrating curiosity, sensitivity, and commitment
Admission to 1st year (Paris and Toulon)
Applications for the 1st year entrance exam take place via Parcoursup
- Admission to the school is selective and based on a competitive examination
- The baccalaureate (all streams) is required
Applying to Camondo via Parcoursup
Enroll directly in the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year (in Paris or Toulon)
Direct enrollment is possible for candidates with a previous academic background in interior design and who have validated their credits.
Enrollment is selective and is based on a portfolio and interviews. For the start of the 2024 academic year, you will be able to apply by equivalence beginning in January 2024:
- 2nd year at Camondo Paris and Méditerranée (Toulon)
- 3rd year at Camondo Paris and Méditerranée (Toulon)
- 4th year at Camondo Paris and Méditerranée (Toulon)
- In September 2023 in Toulon, and in September 2024 in Paris, Camondo will launch an English track for students who wish to pursue an international career.
- Once we have received and approved your complete application, you will be invited to an interview with a panel of teachers
- For more information: admission@ecolecamondo.fr
Financing your education
- €150 competition registration fee.
- €300 application fee; non-refundable, due only on first enrolment in the program.
- €9,000 annual tuition fee for entry into 2nd or 3rd year, due on enrolment and refundable in the event of force majeure, option to pay in several instalments.
- €12,000 annual tuition fees for the graduate course (years 4 and 5), due upon registration and refundable in the event of force majeure, option to pay in several instalments.
- €15,000 annual tuition fee for the English course (years 4 and 5) due upon registration and refundable in the event of force majeure, option to pay in several instalments.
- Fondation course tuition is €8,000 plus €300 application fee due on enrolment. Tuition fees (excluding application fees) are reimbursed in the event of failure of the baccalaureate or in cases of force majeure; payment by instalments is possible.
All students can, according to their means:
- Benefit from the Equal Opportunity Scholarship
- Benefit from CROUS scholarships
- The EDC scholarship is cumulative with CROUS scholarships
Benefit from the Equal Opportunity Scholarship
- This scholarship covers 25%, 50%, 75% of tuition fees, depending on the student’s financial status
- Our aim is to welcome free of charge 10% of French and international students
- Eligible students are:
- Admitted to both the Foundation course and the curriculum
- Have no age or geographical location requirements
- Whose resources do not exceed 50,000 euros (RGB n-1)
Financing your studies:
The Caisse d’Épargne is offering a special rate loan
École Camondo video tour
With two locations in France, Camondo Paris and Camondo Méditerranée in Toulon, the school is renowned for the quality of its teaching and a diploma accredited by the French National Register of Professional Certifications (RNCP niv 7), government approved as Bac + 5, conferring a master’s degree, recognized by the entire profession. Explore the school in images.
2023 - 29 windows on to 29 projects:
École Camondo offers top-level education in interior architecture and design. Over a 5-year curriculum, its educational approach integrates the broad spectrum of professions covered by these disciplines at the intersection of art, economics, technology, and social and environmental awareness.
La chorégraphie et la vidéo
Les mémoires
Dutch Design Week 2023
Le champ artistique, la peinture
Le Mad, projets de diplômes 2021
Le cycle préparatoire
Beyrouth, je vous écris de Toulon
Paris Design Week 2023
Architecture intérieure : la Tiny house
La scénographie : expérimentations couleurs dans l’espace
Le Fab Lab, impressions 3D
Les outils pédagogiques
L’entreprise, le 19M (Les métiers d’art de Chanel)
Villa Noailles
Les métiers d’art : les étudiants dans les ateliers
Le Jardin d’Hiver et Le 19M
Les workshops : ceramic and food
Le design
Design avec Lili Gayman et Mathieu Bassee
Le concours Jean Prouvé
L’architecture intérieure : un programme de réhabilitation à Toulon
Fort Balaguier
La maquette
Patrimoine, réhabilitation, champ social
Les workshops
The Camondo Network: an ecosystem
Affiliated with the MAD, France’s largest museum of decorative arts, the school has two locations, one in Paris and one in Toulon, and is expanding internationally through its Erasmus + network, is enhanced by academic partnerships at master’s and post-graduate levels with Ensa Paris-Belleville and Ensa Paris-Val de Seine, initiates its Ambiances et Usages pour habiter (Environments and Uses for Living) research department and the Prendre soin avec AP-HP (Taking care with Public Assistance-Public Hospitals) program, has been developing a network of Alumni in interior design agencies and studios for over 75 years, and places the profession at the heart of its teaching approach.
The profession at the heart of the school
Long-standing partners in the school’s history include manufacturers, institutions, publishers, distributors, companies and brands, as well as biennials, trade shows, festivals, agencies, studios and alumni… fostering partnerships with the École Camondo and offering students internships and job opportunities.
Conferences at the Camondo
The school develops research and analysis activities focusing on the living environment. Expanding issues of expected uses and experiences of different functions and spaces in the fields of living and working, hotels, restaurants, commercial environments, private and public service environments, scenography and museography. The scope of inquiry covers the humanities, social sciences, and artistic practices in a cross-disciplinary way.
Usages et ambiances pour habiter - Prendre soin : Dire et penser le care
Le Chaudron #5 - Des hyper-lieux pour refaire (le) Monde ?
Camondo events in France and abroad
The school takes part in major French and international events, trade fairs, exhibitions and conferences: Salon Révélations, Paris Design Week, Milan Design Week, Design Parade Architecture Intérieure in Toulon, Wanted Design in New York, Homo Faber in Venise.
From April 9 to 14, 2019, during Milan’s International Design Week, the École Camondo invited visitors to explore “Teatro del Giorno, Mostra, Cappella, Piscina, Italo-Disco, Agora, Parade”. 6 days, 6 different scenarios for a scenography created by a group of alumni and students led by Mathilde Bretillot.
École Camondo & Teatro Del Giorno, 6 Scénographies au Palazzo Litta
École Camondo & Teatro Del Giorno, 6 Scénographies au Palazzo Litta
Download the École Camondo package
Download Camondo Paris and Méditerranée brochures and presentation documents in PDF format. You’ll also find the final work of the graduates from the class of 2022 in the Diploma album.